Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sitka Bivy 30

Sitka Gear Bivy 30

I was also luck enough to be able to hunt with Sitka's Bivy 30. For my trial run I was going to be on a 4 day Bivy hunt for mule deer in the Colorado high country.

My first impression of the Bivy 30 was that it was a well-built straight forward pack that was designed for the backcountry hunter. The pack includes a sleeping pad built into the back of the frame and a built in rainfly. I sleep on my side so the thin built in pad would do me little good except in case of emergency. So I did take the pad out and insert my Big Agnes Dual Core pad which fit in great deflated.

Also on an extend period hunt in the backcountry I have learned never to go without a rainfly for my pack and unluckily for me I was able to give the build in rainfly on this pack an extended test on my hike in, during the 3 hour hike in the pack and everything inside stayed completely dry.

On the first morning of my hunt I was lucky enough to take a 3x3 buck in velvet. For the Story

This is where the real test for the Bivy 30 begin on my hike in I would estimate my pack was around 45lbs. overall. But on the way out of the mountains I was able to really load the pack down; with my entire boned out buck, Big Agnes Zirkel SL sleeping bag, spotting scope, tripod, clothing, raingear, binoculars and my bow strapped on the back.

Bivy 30 Loaded Down
Over the next 5 hours the pack held up great even though I don't believe that the pack was designed to haul that much of a load.

Things I like about this pack: Quality construction, light weight, hip belt pockets are great, good compression straps, adjustable, built in rainfly and overall super comfortable.

Things that could be improved upon: My only complaint with this pack is that it doesn't quite have the frame to comfortably carry a super heavy load. But it this packs defense it wasn't built for that it would easily have carried out half of my deer and half of my gear and been very comfortable.

Overall I believe that this is a great backpack and one of the most comfortable that I have ever used great in between backpack for hunting the backcountry without stepping up to a 4500 cubic in. backpack or above. My new 3-5 day trips “go to pack".

Bowtech Invasion CPX

One of the benefits of being in the hunting industry is testing out new equipment ever year and one of my new favorites is Bowtech's New Invasion CPX. After shooting Bowtech's Destroyer 350 last year and loving the overall balance and speed of the bow I wasn't exactly sure that I wanted to switch bows for the season, but that was before I was able to shoot the Invasion for the first time.
Every manufacture clams that there bow is the fastest, smoothest and most accurate and what I have always found is that there are trade offs that you must inherently except. For Speed you must except more hand shock and a bow that is more "touchy" to shoot. For overall shoot ability you must sacrifice speed and so on. For most of us it is finding the bow that meets are needs and shooting preferences the best and I still believe that a person should bow that feels the best to them overall.
But I believe that the Invasion may be the best balance between speed and shootablity of any bow I have ever held. With an IBO of 343fps the invasion is blazing fast, but the real shock when you shoot the Invasion for the first time. There is a total absence of almost any hand shock. With almost no hand shock The invasion is a joy to shoot but the real fun starts as soon as you realize how accurate this bow is. Within minutes of sighting in my Spot Hogg I was breaking tees at 20 yards and my down range groups even out to 70 yards were unreal.
Now after spending an entire season behind the Invasion and my Colorado deer season is behind me I can only continue to say great things about this bow. When fully set up with Easton Flatline 400's and 100 broadheads is was still cranking out arrows at 322 fps (29in draw") turning my 20 yard pin into an anything under 35 yard pin. You may not believe that speed is that important in a hunting bow but out west where shots happen fast and you may not always be able to use your range finder the super flat trajectory of the Invasion gives you a lot of forgiveness in judging yardages. Turning missed or marginal shots into successful hunts.
I don't know what Bowtech will be able to come out with next year but it is going to be hard to switch from my CPX.